A Doggy-Proof NoHo Apartment

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Let’s set the scene: You return home after a long day of work just in time for your pup to have gotten into the trash and ripped down your brand new curtains. Oy vey! While NoHo is a wonderful place to have a dog, (half the reason you got a dog was to go on walks around the neighborhood) not every apartment is conducive to the doggy lifestyle. Instead of completely nixing your dreams for a chic NoHo apartment, here are a few ways to create a space that is doggy proofed AND NoHo approved.

Get High on Decorating

New Yorkers are all about the aesthetic, and if that means hanging floor to ceiling pictures of Judy Garland upside down, then that’s what we’ll do. But being a New Yorker with a little pup means your décor is about to get a little higher. Breakable knickknacks and fragile antiques are low hanging fruit for dogs, literally as they’ll do their best to make anything a chew toy. Instead think higher, like floating shelves with your grandmother’s china teacups, rather than lining them up on your couch’s end table. Alternatively, consider installing cabinets with glass doors to display your marathon medals, so everyone can see what a boss you are, but your dog can’t turn them into his latest toy.

Skip the Rug

Without getting too descriptive, NoHo apartments + dogs + carpets do NOT equal a perfect match. We know you’re itching to get an area rug for your living room. But no matter how cozy it may seem, we guarantee the time and mental sanity you’ll save by having simple hardwood floor is far FAR more important. You want your NoHo apartment to be the chic and eclectic space you always imagined it to be and while wall to wall carpeting adds warmth to any room, give yourself and your dog a break with easy to clean hardwood floors.  

This is Fur You

While swapping out your rug is a step toward NoHo apartment Nirvana, dogs have other ways of marking the space as their own, even if they’ve graduated from doggy kindergarten. When it comes to choosing couches and bedspreads, we’d like to suggest deciding on colors that most closely match your dog’s fur. While you can potty train a dog, you can’t teach them how not to shed and more often than not they can leave a trail from your couch to the chairs to the bed. Therefore, finding a color that matches, or even compliments your dog’s fur gives you some leeway when it comes to cleaning up after them.

Above all, remember that, like you, dogs want a space they can feel comfortable and secure in. Any NoHo apartment can become that place for you and your best friend with the right touch and maybe the right amount of patience. 

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